Inverloch’s Volunteer patrollers provide their service for the community across the summer period. We aim to provide a safe aquatic environment for the community and an inclusive club environment for all.

Patrol Season 2024-2025

Inverloch Surf beach is patrolled over every weekend between Early November 2024 to Late April 2025. *Exact patrol dates to be published by October 2024*

Patrol Roster

The patrol roster is distributed at the start of the season and is updated throughout to include newly joined SRC and Bronze members to patrols. The patrol roster highlights who is in each patrol as well as the time and dates they are scheduled to patrol. Each patrols dates and times can also be found on the club calendar.

The Patrol roster can be found on the Inverloch Surf Life Saving Club Member’s Facebook page.

If you have any questions or concerns about patrol, please contact

If you wish to patrol during the 2024/2025 Season, please fill out the Patrol Survey below.

This survey will allocate you to your desired patrol team.

Beach Safety at ISLSC

At Inverloch Surf Life Saving Club, our patrollers are patrolling our surf beach each weekend to ensure your safety while you enjoy the ocean. These amazing volunteers are trained surf lifesavers who commit their time to protect beachgoers and offer a safe and enjoyable environment.

Our patrollers are equipped with the skills and knowledge to handle various surf and beach conditions, such as performing rescues, providing first aid, and offering beach safety advice.

Next time you see our patrollers on the beach, know that they are there to keep you safe and make sure to say Hi.

Sun Safety at ISLSC

At Inverloch Surf Life Saving Club, we sun safety for all of our patrollers. Enjoying the sun responsibly is really important, and our club is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting yourself from harmful UV rays.

We encourage everyone to follow the key principles of sun safety established by Cancer Council Australia:

  • Slip: Wear protective clothing to cover your skin.
  • Slop: Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30+ generously and reapply every two hours.
  • Slap: Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face, neck, and ears.
  • Seek: Find shade, especially during the peak UV hours between 10 AM and 4 PM.
  • Slide: Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV radiation.

By promoting sun safety, we aim to create a safe and enjoyable beach experience for all, fostering a community that values health and well-being.

Spot our Patrollers

When visiting Inverloch Surf Beach, it’s easy to spot our patrolling members. Here’s how you can identify them:

  • Patroller Placement: Our patrollers are strategically placed between the Red and Yellow Flags to monitor our beach effectively. You’ll often find them near the water’s edge and roving along the coast line.
  • Patrol Tower: Look out for our patrol tower, which serves as a central point for overseeing the entire beach.
  • Uniform: Our patrollers wear distinctive Red and Yellow uniforms that make them easily recognisable. Their uniform includes bright red and yellow caps, shirts, and shorts, ensuring they stand out against the beach background. The red and yellow colours are symbolic of surf life saving and are designed to be highly visible from a distance.