Youth Involvement Program (YIP's)

Retention of youth members in lifesaving is a difficult task for lifesaving clubs across Victoria. The Youth Involvement Program (YIPs) aims to overcome this retention issue and help develop and engage our young members.

YIPs was originally designed by Anglesea SLSC in 2002. It was then adopted by Lifesaving Victoria and has been implemented by clubs around the state. The YIPs program rewards participants for contributing to their club and the broader lifesaving community. It encourages participants to explore the different opportunities lifesaving has to offer.

The award levels are Bronze, Silver and Gold with each level requiring a minimum number of points (plus a community project for Gold).

Points are gained in the following areas:

  • Lifesaving – eg patrols
  • Development – eg gaining new awards
  • Junior activities – eg water safety
  • Youth activities – eg participation in LSV programs/camps
  • Competition – eg participating in club champs or other lifesaving competitions
  • Administration – eg taking on a club position
  • Club activities – eg attending club functions

YIPs is for youth members holding a minimum of SRC. You will have five years to complete the program once you are enrolled, capped at age 20. Register at any time by completing the form below.

For enquiries email your YIPS coordinators Jackson and Zoe at yips@islsc.org.au