
We will be holding four requal (Skills Maintenance) opportunities in December. Please note all awards expire on 31st December, if you have not requalled prior to this, your qualifications will not be valid until you complete a requal.

07/12 10:00am – 12:00pm
15/12 9:00am – 11:00am
21/12 10:00am – 12:00pm
28/12 2:00pm – 4:00pm

You must sign up to all requals on the LSV Member Training portal and complete the online learning prior to attending the practical sessions Please see linked below some video instructions on the Member Training Portal.

Proficiency obtained on/after 1 July is valid until 31 December the following year.
Proficiencies gained on/before 30 June are valid until 31 December of the same year.

All members who wish to undertake patrol duties or compete in competitions at a State or National level should undertake annual skills maintenance activities to maintain proficiency.

Skills Maintenance includes practical assessment activities and (for some awards) an online theory component. Skills Maintenance is in place for the awards listed below and should be completed annually.

Course Category Lifesaving Award Online Assessment Practical Assessment Licence Check
Aquatic Rescue Surf Rescue Certificate Yes Yes No
Bronze Medallion Yes Yes No
Radio Operator Certificate Yes Yes No
Silver Medallion Patrol Captain Yes No No
Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue Yes Yes No
Gold Medallion Yes Yes No
First Aid & Emergency Care Advanced Resuscitation Techniques**
must hold current HLTAID009
Yes Yes No
Powercraft Side-by-Side Vehicle No No Yes
Inflatable Rescue Boat Crew Yes Yes No
Inflatable Rescue Boat Driver Yes Yes Yes
Statewide Services Rescue Watercraft Operator Certificate* Yes Yes Yes

If a member remains non-proficient in an award for more than the maximum non-proficiency period, the Member must be retrained in full that award. The table below sets out the maximum non-proficiency period for each award with a Skills Maintenance component.

Course Category Lifesaving Award Maximum Non-proficiency Period
Aquatic Rescue Surf Rescue Certificate 60 months
Bronze Medallion 60 months
Radio Operator Certificate 60 months
Silver Medallion Patrol Captain TBC months
Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue 60 months
Gold Medallion 36 months
First Aid & Emergency Care Advanced Resuscitation Techniques** 36 months
Powercraft Side-by-Side Vehicle Not Applicable
Inflatable Rescue Boat Crew 60 months
Inflatable Rescue Boat Driver 60 months
Statewide Services Rescue Watercraft Operator Certificate* 60 months